by Jon Barron
Detoxing is no longer practiced by only the healthy few. With today's increase
in toxins, more patients are waking up to the realization that we need to rid the
body of heavy metals, chemicals and parasites to prevent illness.
However, with
options that include water fasts and colon cleanses, the hard part is figuring out
which detox is right for you.
To begin, it is important to note that a general detox is usually done
through fasting (either water or juice). In this type of detox, cells throughout the body
are cleansed, but no particular organ or system is targeted. Combining a general
detox with an organ/system-specific detox makes use of specific herbs/supplements or
protocols to target specific areas of the body such as the liver, kidneys, and colon.
Water or Juice Fasting
General cleansing is usually done through a type of water or juice fast. The
distilled water fast is probably the touchstone for all detoxing protocols used in
alternative health. The principles behind it are simple. First, when you deprive
your body of food, your body begins to consume itself to survive. Being geared to
self-survival, your body chooses to consume damaged cells and toxic cells first,
saving the healthiest for later. Second, it takes a tremendous amount of energy, and puts
a tremendous strain on your body's organs, to process food. (Check your heart
rate after eating a large meal and observe how exhausted you feel.) When you fast,
your body diverts that energy to repair and rebuilding.
Refined, processed, low-fiber foods, animal fats, a lack of exercise, and ever-increasing levels of stress all contribute to our current gastro intestinal health crisis. |
There are three levels of fasting worth considering. The pure water fast is
the most powerful form of fasting, but also produces the most toxic side effects.
The other downfall is that when you go too long without sufficient calories, your
body slows down its metabolism to prevent starvation. Then when you begin to eat
again, even normally, your body treats anything beyond the barest minimum as excess
calories, causing your body to gain weight at an accelerated rate.
Some add honey and maple syrup with lemon, which helps balance out the blood
sugar swings, reduce fatigue, and prevent headaches. Lemon is also antimicrobial and
tends to kill bad bacteria in the intestinal tract and works as an alkalinizing
agent, raising general body pH. However, juice fasting is preferrable since it
provides basic nutrients while being so easy to digest that it offers 90 percent of the
benefits of a water fast. Even better, add chlorella to a juice fast to further
help detox and get protein in a form that requires almost no effort to digest. In
other words, you still get all of the benefits of fasting, but can easily fast for
that much longer.
Although general fasting definitely provides overall detoxing benefits,
targeted detoxing takes advantage of certain herbs, nutraceuticals, or alternative
health protocols to greatly accelerate the process particularly in regard to specific body systems and/or organs. The combined
fast with an organ-specific detox offers the most powerful cleansing program for
overall health of the body. In my book, I discuss how to incorporate the positive aspects
of all these programs into one major detox. For now, the specific detoxes include
the colon, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and blood.
Colon Cleansing
The foundation of any health or healing program must begin with the
intestinal tract. This is not necessarily because it is inherently more important than any
other system or organ in the body, but because it's the area of the body upon which
we focus our greatest abuse; and because it impacts virtually every other system in
the body.
The colon is the main elimination channel of the body. It is the means by which
we eliminate the toxic waste of the digestive process, including massive amounts of
E. coli bacteria and parasite larvae. If that waste hangs around longer than
necessary, its impact on the body is profound.
Our modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs.
Refined, processed, low-fiber foods, animal fats, a lack of exercise, and
ever-increasing levels of stress all contribute to our current gastro-intestinal health
crisis. Therefore, periodically (approximately every three months), you will need a
strong purifier and intestinal vacuum to help remove more than 2,000 known drug residues.
Any program designed to clean, detoxify, and rebuild the colon needs to
address everything from muscle movement to removing old fecal matter, poisons, heavy
metals, parasites, chemicals, drug residues, radioactive material,
Candida albicans and toxins off the walls of the colon and out of any bowel pockets. It also should
promote the healing of the mucous membrane lining of the entire digestive tract,
especially the herniated areas, increase the flow of bile and promote healthy intestinal
flora. No one formula or magic pill can accomplish it all. What I recommend is a
two-pronged approach:
- a colon correction formula
- a colon detoxifier
Colon Corrective
A good corrective formula provides both cleansing and healing to the entire
gastrointestinal system. It stimulates peristalsis (the muscular movement of the
colon). It halts putrefaction and disinfects, soothes and heals the mucous membrane lining
of your entire digestive tract.
Entirely herbal, with no harsh, habit-forming chemicals, an effective
activating formula also will help improve digestion, relieve gas and cramps, increase the
flow of bile (which in turn cleans the gall bladder, bile ducts, and liver), destroy
Candida albicans overgrowth and promote a healthy intestinal flora, destroy and
expel intestinal parasites, and increase gastro-intestinal circulation. The herbs used
in this formula are also antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.
Look for a formula that contains all organic herbs, such as: cape aloe,
senna, Cascara sagrada, barberry rootbark, ginger root, African bird pepper, fennel, and
the great Tibetan intestinal health herb, Termianlia
These herbs work as an intestinal detoxifier to loosen and draw out old fecal
matter, waste and toxins. And they stimulate peristalsis. They also help halt
putrefaction and disinfect, soothe and heal the mucous membrane lining of your entire
digestive tract. In addition, they help improve digestion, relieve gas and cramps,
increase the flow of bile (which in turn cleans the gall bladder, bile ducts, and
liver), destroy Candida albicans overgrowth, and promote a healthy intestinal
flora, destroy and expel intestinal parasites and increase gastro-intestinal circulation.
Colon Detoxifier
In contrast with an activator, a good detoxifier is cleansing and soothing. It
is to be used periodically in conjunction with the activator. The detoxifier is a
strong purifier and intestinal vacuum. It draws old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It also works to draw out poisons,
toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and even remove radioactive material, such
as strontium 90. A good detoxifier also will remove more than 2,000 known drug residues.
Its natural mucilaginous properties will soften old, hardened fecal matter
for easy removal and also make it an excellent remedy for any inflammation or
irritation in the stomach and intestines. This formula is helpful in irritable
bowel syndrome, diverticular disease and hemorrhoids. And on top of everything
else, this formula will eliminate the effects of food poisoning or stomach flu in
20-40 minutes.
Look for a formula that contains all organic herbs, such as: apple pectin,
montmorillonite clay, slippery elm inner bark, marshmallow root, fennel seed,
activated willow charcoal, and psyllium seeds and husks. Pau d'arco also works well in
the formula for its ability to help control
Liver/Gallbladder Cleansing
The liver detox is the centerpiece of any thorough detox and one of the most
important in terms of achieving maximum health in today's environment. Next to the
skin, the liver is the largest organ in the body and is involved in at least 200
separate functions. Generally speaking, the liver performs a vital role in regulating,
synthesizing, storing, secreting, transforming, and breaking down many different
substances in the body including the regulation of fats, removing bacteria and toxins from
the blood, storing vitamins, metabolizing protein and managing cholesterol and hormones.
In fact, the liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body. It filters out
dangerous drug residues and poisons from the blood and passes them out of the body
through the colon via the bile duct. Therefore, remember to never detox the
liver until you clean out the colon, so that the toxic material will have a clean path
out of the body.
The liver is so important to our well-being many healers maintain that most
diseases cannot develop in the body (and that, in fact, no form of cell degeneration can
occur) if the liver is functioning in an efficient, healthy manner. Conversely,
an unhealthy liver is very likely at the root of most serious health problems.
More than 7 million people have less than half the kidney function of a healthy young adult; another 11.3 million have at least half of what's regarded as normal kidney function. |
What Harms the Liver?
- Too much protein in the diet. Protein metabolism is especially taxing on
the liver since it is the liver that must metabolize complex proteins into simple
- Too many simple carbohydrates in the diet. The body converts excess simple
carbohydrates into triglycerides, which are then stored in the liver as fat,
preventing the liver to perform its full range of normal functions.
- Overeating and too much enzyme deficient food. This stresses the liver.
- Drug residues. Virtually all of the drugs that we take (medicinal,
recreational, chemotherapy, whatever) are processed, purified and refined in the liver.
- Alcohol causes inflammation of the liver's tissue. Once the liver is inflamed,
it can no longer filter or regenerate itself, which causes it to plug up with fat
and harden (cirrhosis of the liver).
- Toxins, heavy metals, and pesticides. Everything we breathe, eat and
absorb through our skin is purified and refined in the liver.
- Lack of exercise forces the liver to do the elimination work that should be
done by the lungs and the skin.
- And of course, there's always liver disease such as chronic hepatitis C.
Fortunately, your liver has an astounding ability to regenerate itself if
you give it a chance. Giving it a chance means two things:
- Proper diet. You need to eliminate (or at least cut back) the liver stressors
in your diet. The sicker you are, the more cleaned up your diet needs to be. If
you're suffering from serious liver problems, a raw juice diet may be required to give
your liver time to regenerate.
- Several times a year, you need to do an herbal detox/flush of your liver.
By cleansing the liver, we're talking about inducing the liver to purge all of
the fats, old cholesterol deposits, gallstones, poisons, drug residues, and toxic
waste stored therein. Probably nothing else you do (including even the bowel cleanse
and detox) will make a greater difference in your overall health.
The use of an herbal tea and tincture along with the flush is essential. The
tea helps with the flushing process itself, but also helps minimize any discomfort
or nausea. The key herb in the tea is dandelion root, one of the strongest
herbal lipotropics known. That is to say, it flushes fat deposits from the liver.
Other herbs you will find in a good detox tea include ginger, clove, cinnamon,
burdock root, and horsetail.
The tincture is crucial in that it contains herbs that help the liver to
rebuild and regenerate itself. A secondary benefit is that it will significantly reduce
the liver's release of LDL cholesterol. The key herbs include milk thistle,
dandelion root, the perennial herb picrorhiza kurooa (sometimes called kutkin, or "Indian
milk thistle"), and artichoke or beet leaf. The liver/detox tincture is also a good place to include the
antiparasitic herbs such as wormwood and black walnut. Along with the garlic that you
are taking with the liver flush, this will drive virtually any parasite from your body.
Blood Cleansing
Our blood is filled with many impurities, including everything from an
overabundance of fats and cholesterol, to toxic heavy metals. These must be removed from
the blood for optimum health. There is no secret as to which herbs cleanse the blood.
The efficacy of these herbs has been proved over several hundred years. Medical
science doesn't fully understand why these herbs work as blood cleansers, but small
discoveries are slowly taking place. Any good blood cleansing formula will contain some,
or all, of the following herbs: red clover blossoms, burdock root, chaparral,
periwinkle and goldenseal.
Kidney Flushes
Chronic kidney disease is a worldwide medical and public health problem that is
beginning to assume epidemic proportions. The absolute number and incidence rate
of renal disease doubled from 1988 to 1997 and doubled again from 1997 to 2005.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It is estimated that a stunning 10-20
million have kidney disease and don't know it. Moreover, more than 7 million people have
less than half the kidney function of a healthy young adult; another 11.3 million have
at least half of what's regarded as normal kidney function.
Herbs such as juniper berries, uva ursi, dandelion leaf, corn silk, burdock
root, hydrangea root, gravel root and Chanca piedra can help dissolve and flush
kidney stones, while at the same time, eliminating any trace of kidney, bladder or
urinary tract infection.
At age 16, Jon Barron worked under his father, one of the world's first food technologists, at a large grocery chain. They developed
a new line of food products that sparked Jon's interest in food formulation and
natural remedies. He forged ahead not only with a nutraceutical company and a nonprofit
foundation, but also with product formulation consulting. For more information,
including complete instruction on how to combine several organ detoxes into one complete
detox, please visit